Out-of-Hospital Breech Delivery

This simulation has been developed for intermediate-level Paramedic students to develop the competencies required to attend an out-of-hospital breech delivery. The goal of the simulation is to gain confidence in conducting assessments and obtaining an accurate obstetrical history that will guide patient management.

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COPD Incorporating High Flow and Palliation

A two-part scenario, designed for an interprofessional group of clinical externs, this was made to meet two of the learning goals they had requested: high flow and palliation. Patient is sick and while initially responding to treatment, a time warp in the scenario allowed us to also fit in palliation in the same education session.

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STEMI protocol

Patient presenting with chest pain and ST elevation. Following our hospital’s protocol to sent the patient to a catheterization lab at a different facility.

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Severe Sepsis: Resuscitation, Emergencies, Critical Care

Recognize and manage a client experiencing post-operative complications and potential severe sepsis at a small, rural hospital.

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Patient with Pulmonary Embolism (VR)

Following a fall on the ice, Ms. Robert goes to the emergency room where, after certain tests, she is diagnosed with a hip fracture. After preoperative preparation, the patient leaves for the operating room. Back in her room after her total hip replacement surgery, the patient refuses to move and develops leg pain after a […]

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Evaluation for the Administration of Medication (VR)

Mrs. Claudine Jones, 50 years old, is presently at the oncology unit for post-operative care. She has just undergone a modified radical mastectomy on her left breast with ganglion resection. She has been in the recovery room for 45 minutes. According to the attending nurse’s report, the surgery went as planned and without complications, and […]

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Post Operative Assessment

A 10-year-old girl is at the school playground with her friends. She suddenly becomes short of breath. She has recently immigrated to Canada from Hungary with her parents.

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Surgical Wound Care

This virtual simulation game focuses on a series of healthcare encounters with a patient who has had an emergency hip arthroplasty. The scenario progresses from a simple wound to a complex wound. First, we see the patient in the hospital prior to discharge. The nurse completes a dressing change and wound assessment and notes the […]

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Stroke Management

This simulation focuses on stroke management. The patient is a 65 y/o female who was admitted to the medical unit from the nursing home with pneumonia (accompainied by delirium and dehydration) for IV antibiotics therapy 8 days ago. The patient also suffers from comorbidity and is taking multiple medications to treat them. The learners will […]

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Teaching Spirometry to a Postoperative Patient

The focus of this scenario is on the principles of incentive spirometry (IS) and the importance of using this technique in the care of your post operative patient.

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Respiratory Depression r/t Narcotic Overdose

The patient is, 80 year old, who has undergone a right hemicolectomy with temporary colostomy for adenocarcinoma of the colon. Past health includes hypertension x 10 years treated with metoprolol 25 mg BID, coversyl 5 mg daily. He had an uneventful surgery, with estimated blood loss of 200 mL. They were stable throughout the OR […]

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Embolie pulmonaire (Cas 782 de Body Interact, Isabel Roberston)

Une patiente de 78 ans à l’étage de la chirurgie en est à son deuxième jour post-opératoire. La patiente refuse de se déplacer après l’opération et développe une thrombose veineuse profonde dans son mollet droit. Aujourd’hui, elle est venue aux urgences et la patiente a signalé qu’elle était essoufflée et que sa respiration était très […]

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Pulmonary embolism (Body Interact Case 782, Isabel Roberston)

78-year-old female patient is on day 2 post-op on the surgery floor. The patient refuses to ambulate postoperatively and develops a deep vein thrombosis in her right calf. Today she came to the ER and patient reports being short of breath and that her breathing is very ‘fast’

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Pre-Operative Teaching

This scenario will follow the nurse’s responsibilities in an adult prepating for surgery; from the preoperative assessment to the arrival at the surgical suite.

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Hypovolemic shock in a postoperative patient

The patient is a 64 y/o male has had a transverse partial colectomy for colon cancer, and is two hours post-surgery.

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Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance

Keith Gregor is a 26-year-old male with a 10-year history of ulcerative colitis resulting in a colectomy 14 months ago and placement of ileostomy. He presented to ER with a 36-hour history of vomiting and increased ileostomy output. He was pale, tachycardic and hypotensive. Bloodwork shows hypernatremia and dehydration. He was given 2 L of […]

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Surgical Discharge Teaching

You are enacting the role of a nurse on a surgical unit in a hospital. Throughout the simulation, you will be asked to select the correct response to various questions posed which will then illuminate the continue button to enable you to progress.

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Complex medical calls involving multiple symptoms (Body Interact Case 793, Fatima Badiwe)

The patient was arriving at home when they suddenly started with respiratory distress.

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Blood product transfusion reaction

In this scenario you will care for a client receiving a blood product who experiences a mild transfusion reaction.

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Assessing Level of Consciousness

Mildred Patterson, 70 years old is in the cardiovascular surgical inpatient unit, 5 days post quadruple bypass surgery. She is scheduled for discharge later today when she reports to the nurse she fell through the night.

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Acute Stroke on the Ward

A 74 year old female is admitted under the hospitalist at a community hospital with a UTI. She is on day 3 of antibiotic therapy. While in hospital, she develops acute onset of right arm weakness, facial droop and unintelligible speech. Participants should recognize an acute CVA within the window, perform a stroke assessment, treat […]

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Essential COVID-19 Skills Training for Health Care Workers

The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) in partnership with the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CAN-Sim) have collaborated to develop and disseminate five virtual simulation modules in both official languages to build capacity among graduating and new registered nurses entering the health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. VSGs have been […]

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SimCanada Community Scenario Template

This template is a generic and comprehensive guide for the development and documentation of simulation scenarios. It is intended to be applicable to any profession (including interprofessional scenarios), any healthcare field, and for most simulation modalities. Members of the Simulation Canada community produced it following a review of the literature on best practices in scenario […]

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PEARLS for Systems Integration Debriefing Tool

The PEARLS for Systems Integration Debreifng Tool is now available as a free colour download.

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