SIM Scenario
February 5, 2025
Participants will be encouraged to enhance their understanding of how and when to initiate non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and how to properly assess the effectiveness of the NIV implementation.
SIM Scenario
February 5, 2025
This virtual simulation is designed to enhance sonography students’ clinical skills by focusing on sterile technique, PPE use, and effective communication. Learners will follow Emma, a sonographer, through a series of patient encounters, including an inpatient scan with contact and droplet precautions and assisting with an ultrasound-guided thyroid biopsy. Throughout the simulation, students will practice […]
SIM Scenario
February 3, 2025
The purpose of this simulation is to provide healthcare students an Indigenous perspective related to cultural safety and communication. The virtual simulation highlights an Indigenous woman who is pregnant and her encounters with different members of the interprofessional team (sonographers, paramedics, and nurses) as she is transported to the hospital for an ultrasound and non-stress […]
SIM Scenario
January 30, 2025
This simulation involves a 58 year old male patient, Aaron McKenzie, residing in a long-term care facility due to advanced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Aaron experiences difficulty breathing; there is a question if he has aspiration pneumonia, and he expresses concerns about his health condition. His current Goals of Care (GOC) designation is R3, allowing […]
SIM Scenario
January 29, 2025
Recognizing changes in a patient’s status and managing medical emergencies in diagnostic imaging is vital for ensuring patient safety, timely intervention, and effective care. Sonographers work closely with their patients and can notice adverse reactions or sudden changes in the patients’ health or behaviours. The sonographers’ ability to respond to these changes and take the […]
SIM Scenario
January 28, 2025
In this scenario, you will assess an adult patient’s readiness to wean from mechanical ventilation, focusing on communication with the patient, family, and healthcare team. Generative AI simulates these interactions, allowing learners to interpret assessment findings, ventilation parameters, patient history, and diagnostics to evaluate weaning and extubation readiness. Responses are compared to an exemplar, with […]
SIM Scenario
January 24, 2025
A patient with a potentially difficult airway requires intubation for worsening upper airway obstruction. The team performs an airway assessment, develops a plan and prepares equipment. Prior to intubation an intubation pause is performed. The first intubation attempt with a video laryngoscope fails. The second attempt with video laryngoscope, a bougie, and smaller ETT also fails due to […]
SIM Scenario
January 24, 2025
An adult patient has just been intubated. You are responsible for obtaining orders, setting up ventilation and alarm settings and preparing any required equipment. After initiating ventilation, you are required to ensure the patient’s settings and alarms are appropriate. You are also required to perform and interpret assessment findings. You continue with ongoing maintenance including changes to […]
SIM Scenario
January 24, 2025
This scenario offers a detailed, interactive simulation that mimics the process of interacting with a patient within the context of a scrotal ultrasound. Students navigate through different stages of the procedure including pre- and post-procedure communication and actions. The simulation platform tracks their actions, offers real-time feedback, and assesses their performance based on accuracy in […]
SIM Scenario
January 24, 2025
This scenario focuses on a case-based scrotal sonogram. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers must analyze complex cases and communicate findings appropriately and accurately to the interpreting physician. Sonographers are required to provide accurate and relevant answers to the clinical question as proposed on a request for a sonogram. In this Virtual Simulation on Scrotal Pathology, participants are immersed […]