COPD Incorporating High Flow and Palliation

A two-part scenario, designed for an interprofessional group of clinical externs, this was made to meet two of the learning goals they had requested: high flow and palliation. Patient is sick and while initially responding to treatment, a time warp in the scenario allowed us to also fit in palliation in the same education session.

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Supporting Clinical Student Success – A Scenario for New Faculty

Many faculty members feel unprepared to hold discussions and develop plans for helping students meet clinical course objectives. This scenario helps prepare faculty members to develop a plan using a positive growth mindset framework to support students to become successful professionals. The scenario is written for nursing, but could easily be used by a variety […]

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COVID-19 Scenario & Guide for Hospital Preparedness

Scenario: Case designed during the January 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in order to assess and improve team preparedness for safely and effectively caring for a critically ill coronavirus patient from triage through to intubation and disposition in a community hospital. The scenario focusses on system processes more than individual skills. This case was adapted from one […]

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SimCanada Community Scenario Template

This template is a generic and comprehensive guide for the development and documentation of simulation scenarios. It is intended to be applicable to any profession (including interprofessional scenarios), any healthcare field, and for most simulation modalities. Members of the Simulation Canada community produced it following a review of the literature on best practices in scenario […]

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PEARLS for Systems Integration Debriefing Tool

The PEARLS for Systems Integration Debreifng Tool is now available as a free colour download.

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ARDS / Pneumothorax

Pt has 1 week history of cough/fever, seen in ED yesterday and intubated this morning for worsening SOB and hypoxia. Remains difficult to oxygenate. Hypotensive and on pressure support. Pt taken to CT scan then directly to ICU. More difficult to bag en-route to ICU. Pt O2 sat decreasing to 82%- 75%. Pt develops decreased […]

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Anaphylaxis – Adult

Mike is a 35 year old male. He was on a first date at Nami sushi on Lonsdale. His date offered him gomae, he took one bite and felt lip tingling immediately, he told his date about his severe peanut allergy and they came to the ED. No Epi Pen. Triage nurse to present case […]

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7 year old child, febrile for 2 days, parents notice seizure like activity and bring to emergency. During initial assement, patient seizes. Patient stops seizing when given appropriate mediations.

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Difficult Intubation – ICU

This scenario uses a physician confederate, who becomes fixated on intubation while the patient deteriorates, and offers the nursing and RT staff an opportunity to recognize and manage a critical deterioration as well as a fixation error.

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Cardiac Arrest due to Blocked Airway

Elderly man in ICU 12 hours post cardiac arrest. ETT blocks leading to cardiac deterioration.

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Interprofessional Attitudes Scale (IPAS)

Since the publication of the 2011 report Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, few tools have been developed to evaluate attitudes that reflect the competencies. The Interprofessional Assessment Scale (IPAS) was developed and validated with this purpose in mind.

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Patient and Family Centred Care – Quality of Care

The learner is a clinician who is having an initial meeting with the two fathers of a child with cerebral palsy. The learner needs to engage the family in determining how the goals for the child will be developed, and answer their questions.

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Client and Family Centred Care – Respect and Dignity

A teenaged inpatient client with an acquired brain injury is going home for the first time. She and her mother are quite anxious about this weekend leave of absence. A clinician has been tasked with: (1) ensuring the client has her medications for the weekend: and (2) providing the client/family with a copy of the […]

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Client and Family Centred Care – Partnership

A parent meeting with an Early Childhood Educator to review the goals that they had set earlier in the year. A new member of the team has been asked to lead the discussion. The mother thinks the goals are too complicated, and just wants to hear her child say, “I love you.”

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Client and Family Centred Care – Information Sharing

This is a family’s first outpatient visit with a clinician. They have many questions about what to expect. The learner’s task is to effectively communicate their role at the hospital and help the family understand how this therapy/service will help their child.

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A generally healthy 35-year-old woman comes to the hospital for day surgery. She received a dose of cefalexin pre-operatively. Soon after, she begins to complain of itchiness and a rash. This proceeds to a full anaphylactic reaction that the team must manage.

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Pulseless Electrical Activity

A middle-aged woman is coming to hospital for day surgery. She has controlled hypertension and NIDDM. After induction of anesthesia she develops pulseless electrical activity. The OR team must resuscitate her.

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Ottawa Crisis Resource Management Global Rating Scale (“Ottawa GRS”)

Ottawa GRS designed to evaluate physician performance in simulated emergencies in the domain of Crisis Resource Management (CRM) skills.

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Multiple scenarios from THESIMTECH

TheSimTech blog offers a number of free simulation scenarios, mostly targeted towards acute care medicine. Some are interprofessional. Topics include: Dyspnea, hypertension, trauma, burn, fire, MVA, shock, adrenal crisis, tachycardia, pelvic fracture, ectopic pregnancy, toxic shock syndrome, sepsis, angioedema, difficult airway, anaphylaxis, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), electrical storm, febrile neutropenia, […]

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Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) requiring oxygen therapy and suctioning

Mrs. Parmar is a 88 y.o female who presented to hospital 4/7 ago with a persistent cough and general malaise x 1/52. She was admitted to the General Internal Medicine ward with the dx of CAP. Her O2 sats have begun to decline, so the physiotherapy and nursing students must recognize the issue, perform a […]

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Code Pink scenario – Acute fetal-maternal hemorrhage

This scenario is designed to allow health care professionals to come together and work as a team around a critically ill newborn using advanced-technology simulation either in the simulation centre or in-situ. Once the pre-brief (including orientation if need be) and briefing is complete the scenario starts. The health care team arrives either ‘en-masse’ or […]

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Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form

The Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form is useful for simulation centre co-coordinators to find out about the learning objectives of the simulation session that an instructor would like to create, and to acquire basic logistics information such as type of participants, number of participants, length of simulation, etc. It can be e-mailed to the […]

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Ebola Simulation for PICU and ED Staff

A 6 year old male patient with fever, nausea and vomiting had recently traveled to an affected country and interacted with a family member that possibly had Ebola. The Health Care Professional needs to manage the routine care of this child in level 3 personal protective equipment.

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