SIM Scenario Exchange

Client and Family Centred Care – Partnership

Contributed on August 24, 2015, last reviewed and/or updated on August 24, 2015.



Kathryn Parker, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hosptial
Darlene Hubley, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hosptial
Laura Williams, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hosptial
Amir Karmali, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hosptial

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A parent meeting with an Early Childhood Educator to review the goals that they had set earlier in the year. A new member of the team has been asked to lead the discussion. The mother thinks the goals are too complicated, and just wants to hear her child say, “I love you.”

Learning Objectives:

Learner uses an open-minded approach to team work
Learner seeks out the engagement of the client/family in designing and implementing care/services

Simulation Modality:

Standardized/simulated patients or real patients


meeting room set up - table and chairs


Key behaviours based on our Patient Declaration of Values, the Institute for Patient and Family-Centred Care, and input from our Family Advisory committee and Youth Advisory Committee.
Here’s how staff can demonstrate Partnership every day

Engage the client and family as equal members of the team – think of their role as the experts in their experience
Work as a team to support the client and family during transitions and difficult situations
Partner with the team to ensure healthcare recommendations are not overshelming – provide cordinated care
Respond to issues as a team, promptly and directly
Encourage the client and family to share their ideas, comments and compliments about care in order to improve our hospital


Parker K, Hubley D, Williams L, Karmali A. Client and Family Centred Care – Partnership. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2015. Available from

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Target Learners




Occupational Therapy
Recreation Therapy
Respiratory Therapy
Social Work
Speech-Language Pathology


Continuing professional development
Graduate / postgraduate / residency
Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Pediatrics / child & family

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