Interprofessional Attitudes Scale (IPAS)

Since the publication of the 2011 report Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, few tools have been developed to evaluate attitudes that reflect the competencies. The Interprofessional Assessment Scale (IPAS) was developed and validated with this purpose in mind.

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Moulage Techniques for Simulation

A detailed how-to guide to moulage for standardized patients. Covers basic makeup techniques including proper sanitation and a section on making prosthetics from latex, latex substitutes, prosthetic gelatin, and silicone. Although written for prehospital workers, the guide should be useful for anyone concerned with moulage for standardized patients. The guide is titled “Casualty Simulation Techniques” […]

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Client and Family Centred Care – Information Sharing

This is a family’s first outpatient visit with a clinician. They have many questions about what to expect. The learner’s task is to effectively communicate their role at the hospital and help the family understand how this therapy/service will help their child.

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Client and Family Centred Care – Partnership

A parent meeting with an Early Childhood Educator to review the goals that they had set earlier in the year. A new member of the team has been asked to lead the discussion. The mother thinks the goals are too complicated, and just wants to hear her child say, “I love you.”

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Client and Family Centred Care – Respect and Dignity

A teenaged inpatient client with an acquired brain injury is going home for the first time. She and her mother are quite anxious about this weekend leave of absence. A clinician has been tasked with: (1) ensuring the client has her medications for the weekend: and (2) providing the client/family with a copy of the […]

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Patient and Family Centred Care – Quality of Care

The learner is a clinician who is having an initial meeting with the two fathers of a child with cerebral palsy. The learner needs to engage the family in determining how the goals for the child will be developed, and answer their questions.

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End of Life Care: Breaking Bad News

This is a two-part unfolding scenario. A 55 year old male client is imminently dying of lung cancer with a Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) of 10%. DNR assigned. Client chose to die at home. He is married and spouse is at the bedside. Client has 2 adult children and 3 grand-children who live out of […]

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Multi-Trauma: Multiple Vehicle Collision

This is a multiple patient scenario involving 3 patients in the Observation Unit following a MVC. (1) R/O fetal distress/injury; (2) R/O Head Injury; (3) Splenic Laceration. Patient A is a 35 y.o. mother, 19 weeks pregnant that was driving herself and her pre-school son to a clinic appointment when she was in a collision. […]

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Community Home Visit with Postpartum Patient

Badia was rated as high-risk from the Healthy Babies community health nurse for multiple reasons, including her young age, lack of family support, pre-mature birth with low birth weight, single mother, and chain cigarette smoker. Badia has agreed to have a nurse visit her in her apartment for an initial assessment.

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A generally healthy 35-year-old woman comes to the hospital for day surgery. She received a dose of cefalexin pre-operatively. Soon after, she begins to complain of itchiness and a rash. This proceeds to a full anaphylactic reaction that the team must manage.

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Atrial Fibrillation During Surgery

A 55 yo woman with increased risk for perioperative cardiac event comes to the hospital for day surgery. She is stable during unduction of anesthesia. Shortly into the operation her vital signs become unstable. The team must recognize and respond to unstable atrial fibrillation.

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Fire in the Operating Room

A 39 yo woman is in hospital for day surgery. She is stable before and after induction of anesthesia. A few minutes after the surgical procedure begins, smoke will quickly fill the room and the team must respond to a fire in the OR.

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Intra-operative hypoxemia & tension pneumothorax

A 42 yo woman comes to hospital for day surgery. Induction of anesthesia goes smoothly. Early into the procedure, she develops hypoxemia, hypotension and rising airway pressure. The team must recognize and manage a tension pneumothorax.

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Malignant Hyperthermia

A 39-year-old woman comes to hospital for day surgery. Induction of anesthesia goes smoothly. There is then a handover of RNs and anesthesia to a new team. The patient becomes tachycardic wth a rise in CO2 and body temperature which the team must recognize and manage.

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Unstable Bradycardia

A 72 yr old man underwent an inguinal hernia repair 2 hours ago. Stable intraoperative course. He is now in PACU with bradycardia and vital signs unstable. The team must recognize this critical situation, call a code, and arrange transfer to an appropriate care location.

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Venous air or carbon dioxide embolus

A 35-year-old woman comes to hospital for day surgery. The induction of anesthesia goes smoothly. Early in the procedure the patient becomes hypotensive and hypoxemic. The participants must recognize and respond to an air/CO2 embolus.

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Pulseless Electrical Activity

A middle-aged woman is coming to hospital for day surgery. She has controlled hypertension and NIDDM. After induction of anesthesia she develops pulseless electrical activity. The OR team must resuscitate her.

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Ottawa Crisis Resource Management Global Rating Scale (“Ottawa GRS”)

Ottawa GRS designed to evaluate physician performance in simulated emergencies in the domain of Crisis Resource Management (CRM) skills.

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Multiple scenarios from THESIMTECH

TheSimTech blog offers a number of free simulation scenarios, mostly targeted towards acute care medicine. Some are interprofessional. Topics include: Dyspnea, hypertension, trauma, burn, fire, MVA, shock, adrenal crisis, tachycardia, pelvic fracture, ectopic pregnancy, toxic shock syndrome, sepsis, angioedema, difficult airway, anaphylaxis, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), electrical storm, febrile neutropenia, […]

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Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) requiring oxygen therapy and suctioning

Mrs. Parmar is a 88 y.o female who presented to hospital 4/7 ago with a persistent cough and general malaise x 1/52. She was admitted to the General Internal Medicine ward with the dx of CAP. Her O2 sats have begun to decline, so the physiotherapy and nursing students must recognize the issue, perform a […]

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Pediatric supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)

An almost 10 year old complains of chest discomfort and is brought into the emergency room by his older sister. The patient refuses treatment because of previous bad experience with intravenous starts and adenosine. The patient remains conscious with a rapid heart rate for the first part of the scenario. As the scenario progresses, the […]

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Acute stroke assessment

This scenario is intended for students learning assessment of acute stroke and is based on recommendations of the Canadian Stroke Strategy (2014), RNAO Stroke Assessment (2011) and Ontarion Ministry of Helath Quality-Based procedures. This scenario focuses on the use of the Canadian Neurological Scale tool.

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COPD exacerbation assessment and intervention

This scenario is intended for learners to assess and intervene for a patient experiencing an exacerbation of COPD. This scenario is based on evidence practice guidelines from the Ontario Ministry of Health and RNAO.

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Global Rating Scale

This is an evaluation form that can be used to measure students’ simulation performance in many disciplines within healthcare. The Global Rating Scale has been designed to be best utilized with hands-on scenarios in the simulation teaching environment.

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