Supporting Clinical Student Success – A Scenario for New Faculty

Many faculty members feel unprepared to hold discussions and develop plans for helping students meet clinical course objectives. This scenario helps prepare faculty members to develop a plan using a positive growth mindset framework to support students to become successful professionals. The scenario is written for nursing, but could easily be used by a variety […]

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Opioid Overdose

The team is called to manage an unresponsive man with respiratory depression. The initial assessment involves rapidly evaluating potential causes for altered mental status, including hypoglycemia, hypoxia, and intoxication. Initial management of hypoglycemia and airway support does not improve the patient’s mental status. The team must recognize opioid toxidrome and administer naloxone. The patient will […]

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SimCanada Community Scenario Template

This template is a generic and comprehensive guide for the development and documentation of simulation scenarios. It is intended to be applicable to any profession (including interprofessional scenarios), any healthcare field, and for most simulation modalities. Members of the Simulation Canada community produced it following a review of the literature on best practices in scenario […]

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PEARLS for Systems Integration Debriefing Tool

The PEARLS for Systems Integration Debreifng Tool is now available as a free colour download.

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Situation awareness assessment in patient deterioration simulations

This is an instrument to measure situation awareness in nurses participating in a patient deterioration simulation scenario. It measures nurses’ perception of quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., vital signs, level of consciousness) and less quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., breath sounds, agitation, new pain). It also measures nurses’ comprehension of the meaning of these signs […]

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End-of-life: Home to Hospital

Patient with stage four mesothelioma lung cancer that is being cared for in the home environment. Designed to challenge the year 4 student with doing an assessment and critically thinking next steps when caring for a patient who becomes hemodynamically unstable. Communication is paramount, with physician, EMS, and family. The patient is sent to the […]

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Moulage Techniques for Simulation

A detailed how-to guide to moulage for standardized patients. Covers basic makeup techniques including proper sanitation and a section on making prosthetics from latex, latex substitutes, prosthetic gelatin, and silicone. Although written for prehospital workers, the guide should be useful for anyone concerned with moulage for standardized patients. The guide is titled “Casualty Simulation Techniques” […]

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Client and Family Centred Care – Information Sharing

This is a family’s first outpatient visit with a clinician. They have many questions about what to expect. The learner’s task is to effectively communicate their role at the hospital and help the family understand how this therapy/service will help their child.

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Client and Family Centred Care – Partnership

A parent meeting with an Early Childhood Educator to review the goals that they had set earlier in the year. A new member of the team has been asked to lead the discussion. The mother thinks the goals are too complicated, and just wants to hear her child say, “I love you.”

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Client and Family Centred Care – Respect and Dignity

A teenaged inpatient client with an acquired brain injury is going home for the first time. She and her mother are quite anxious about this weekend leave of absence. A clinician has been tasked with: (1) ensuring the client has her medications for the weekend: and (2) providing the client/family with a copy of the […]

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Patient and Family Centred Care – Quality of Care

The learner is a clinician who is having an initial meeting with the two fathers of a child with cerebral palsy. The learner needs to engage the family in determining how the goals for the child will be developed, and answer their questions.

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Multi-Trauma: Multiple Vehicle Collision

This is a multiple patient scenario involving 3 patients in the Observation Unit following a MVC. (1) R/O fetal distress/injury; (2) R/O Head Injury; (3) Splenic Laceration. Patient A is a 35 y.o. mother, 19 weeks pregnant that was driving herself and her pre-school son to a clinic appointment when she was in a collision. […]

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End of Life Care: Breaking Bad News

This is a two-part unfolding scenario. A 55 year old male client is imminently dying of lung cancer with a Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) of 10%. DNR assigned. Client chose to die at home. He is married and spouse is at the bedside. Client has 2 adult children and 3 grand-children who live out of […]

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Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Simulation Case Library

The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Simulation Collection is compiled by the SAEM Simulation Interest Group, working with the SAEM Simulation Task Force. Dozens of scenarios are freely available. Scenarios are intended for acute care physicians. A wide variety of topics are covered: overdose, coma, mental health, GI bleed, asthma, COPD, burns, acute coronary […]

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Acute stroke assessment

This scenario is intended for students learning assessment of acute stroke and is based on recommendations of the Canadian Stroke Strategy (2014), RNAO Stroke Assessment (2011) and Ontarion Ministry of Helath Quality-Based procedures. This scenario focuses on the use of the Canadian Neurological Scale tool.

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Global Rating Scale

This is an evaluation form that can be used to measure students’ simulation performance in many disciplines within healthcare. The Global Rating Scale has been designed to be best utilized with hands-on scenarios in the simulation teaching environment.

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Prehospital cardiac arrest with return of circulation

Pre-hospital incident of a male patient having chest pain, with shortness of breath, collapsed into a sudden cardiac arrest. Pre-hospital ACLS protocals followed causes a return of spontanious circulation. For arrest care provided and transport to ER.

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Disclosure of Adverse Events – An OSCE Series for Ob/Gyn Residents

This item outlines an approach to incorporate an disclosure meeting after an adverse event/patient safety incident occurs in an obstetrical context using an OSCE format. Assessment of communication skills and professionalism is discussed.

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An Introduction to the Management of Labour and Delivery – A Simulation-Based Obstetrics Workshop for Medical Students

This resource was created to deliver a 2.5 hour small group interactive workshop geared for medical students on their obstetrical rotation. It enables students to understand the care activities in the obstetrics unit and how students may most effectively learn and provide care to patients in this clinical setting.

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Multidisciplinary Office Cardiac Arrest Emergency Scenario

This is a multidisciplinary office scenario that should be appropriate for any health care professionals that would work in such a setting. A patient presents to the office with left upper back pain that he attributes to gardening. During the assessment the patient reports shortness of breath, chest pain, along with a history of cardiovascular […]

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Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form

The Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form is useful for simulation centre co-coordinators to find out about the learning objectives of the simulation session that an instructor would like to create, and to acquire basic logistics information such as type of participants, number of participants, length of simulation, etc. It can be e-mailed to the […]

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