Communicating with Clients and Team Members when Clients Refuse Treatment

The learners will gain an increased understanding of the support and decision-making required when caring for a client in the context of refusing treatment options/medications.

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Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying can take on many forms, the intent of the simulation is to increase students/nurse’s awareness of bullying behaviors and how to effectively intervene when bullying occurs. Bullying can affect individuals professional and personal lives, impact patient care, and perpetuate negative behaviors in others.

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Registered Nurse (RN) in Long-Term Care: Leadership, Prioritization, Delegation and Advocacy

The simulation has been designed to develop critiical thinking skills in nursing practice. The learner will encounter several complex patients in long-term care, recognize which siituations require the expertise of a RN, and when approaches such as advocating for the patient, delegation to another provider, and mentoring colleagues are needed.

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Communication in High Stress Situations

The patient has been transferred to the telemetry unit for recurrent narrow complex tachycardia and is being assessed for ablation therapy.The patient experiences another episode of a narrow complex tachycardia accompanied by hypotension.The rapid response team arrives to assist with the deteriorating patient,when the nurse experiences verbal abuse from a team member.

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Interprofessional Communication During Difficult Situations

The scenario takes place in the Emergency Department (ED) where a team of healthcare professionals receives a patient that has experienced a multiple trauma and subsequent cardiac arrest post motor vehicle accident. The team consists of two Registered Nurses, a Respiratory Therapist, and a Physician. The patient is brought into the ED and his wife […]

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Medication administration & safety: Pediatric

The Learner will apply the principles of safe medication administration of an analgesic using different routes in the Pediatric population. You will be required to use clinical judgment, reasoning, critical thinking skills, and past knowledge when choosing the appropriate pain medication based on patients’ history and background knowledge. This scenario is not about the actual […]

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Medication administration & safety: Adult

The Learner will apply the principles of safe medication administration of an analgesic using different routes in the Adult population. You will be required to use clinical judgment, reasoning, critical thinking skills, and past knowledge when choosing the appropriate pain medication based on patients’ history and background knowledge. This scenario is not about the actual […]

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Medication administration & safety: Geriatric

The learner will apply the principles of safe medication administration of a narcotic using different routes in the Geriatric population. You will be required to use clinical judgement, reasoning, critical thinking skills, and pas knowledge when choosing the appropriate narcotic based on the patient’s history and background knowledge. This scenario is not about the actual […]

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Newborn Virtual Simulation

This maternal/child resource is aimed to support learning for the undergraduate nursing student in any nursing program. The simulation is intended to promote the development of clinical judgement skills through a safe learning environment. The virtual simulation is for students to practice and reflect on newborn assessments while critically analyzing the scenario and completing a […]

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Supporting Clinical Student Success – A Scenario for New Faculty

Many faculty members feel unprepared to hold discussions and develop plans for helping students meet clinical course objectives. This scenario helps prepare faculty members to develop a plan using a positive growth mindset framework to support students to become successful professionals. The scenario is written for nursing, but could easily be used by a variety […]

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Cardiovascular shock in the infant (from Coarctation of the Aorta)

A 10-day-old term male neonate is brought to the emergency department by his parents. Their concerns are that, over the course of the day, he has become pale, his feet look “bluer”, and he is more lethargic. Moreover, he has only made 1 diaper today and is feeding very poorly. On examination, this is a […]

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Essential COVID-19 Skills Training for Health Care Workers

The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) in partnership with the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CAN-Sim) have collaborated to develop and disseminate five virtual simulation modules in both official languages to build capacity among graduating and new registered nurses entering the health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. VSGs have been […]

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Respiratory failure in a patient with coronavirus

A 47 year old male presents with acute respiratory failure via EMS. He rapidly decompensates upon arrival. His travel history is missed on initial screening by EMS due his severity so he is transferred to the trauma bay without appropriate precautions. Part-way through the case his travel history is revealed (if not already asked for) […]

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COVID-19 Scenario & Guide for Hospital Preparedness

Scenario: Case designed during the January 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in order to assess and improve team preparedness for safely and effectively caring for a critically ill coronavirus patient from triage through to intubation and disposition in a community hospital. The scenario focusses on system processes more than individual skills. This case was adapted from one […]

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SimCanada Community Scenario Template

This template is a generic and comprehensive guide for the development and documentation of simulation scenarios. It is intended to be applicable to any profession (including interprofessional scenarios), any healthcare field, and for most simulation modalities. Members of the Simulation Canada community produced it following a review of the literature on best practices in scenario […]

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PEARLS for Systems Integration Debriefing Tool

The PEARLS for Systems Integration Debreifng Tool is now available as a free colour download.

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EMR-sim is a computer-based (‚’virtual patient’) simulation to teach clinicians on the challenges of using electronic medical records (EMRs) in the patient-clinician encounter. The scenarios for this project were designed on the basis of a literature review and a research study of the impact of EMRs on the clinical encounter and the strategies and best […]

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ARDS / Pneumothorax

Pt has 1 week history of cough/fever, seen in ED yesterday and intubated this morning for worsening SOB and hypoxia. Remains difficult to oxygenate. Hypotensive and on pressure support. Pt taken to CT scan then directly to ICU. More difficult to bag en-route to ICU. Pt O2 sat decreasing to 82%- 75%. Pt develops decreased […]

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Anaphylaxis – Adult

Mike is a 35 year old male. He was on a first date at Nami sushi on Lonsdale. His date offered him gomae, he took one bite and felt lip tingling immediately, he told his date about his severe peanut allergy and they came to the ED. No Epi Pen. Triage nurse to present case […]

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7 year old child, febrile for 2 days, parents notice seizure like activity and bring to emergency. During initial assement, patient seizes. Patient stops seizing when given appropriate mediations.

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Difficult Intubation – ICU

This scenario uses a physician confederate, who becomes fixated on intubation while the patient deteriorates, and offers the nursing and RT staff an opportunity to recognize and manage a critical deterioration as well as a fixation error.

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Situation awareness assessment in patient deterioration simulations

This is an instrument to measure situation awareness in nurses participating in a patient deterioration simulation scenario. It measures nurses’ perception of quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., vital signs, level of consciousness) and less quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., breath sounds, agitation, new pain). It also measures nurses’ comprehension of the meaning of these signs […]

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Cardiac Arrest due to Blocked Airway

Elderly man in ICU 12 hours post cardiac arrest. ETT blocks leading to cardiac deterioration.

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End-of-life: Home to Hospital

Patient with stage four mesothelioma lung cancer that is being cared for in the home environment. Designed to challenge the year 4 student with doing an assessment and critically thinking next steps when caring for a patient who becomes hemodynamically unstable. Communication is paramount, with physician, EMS, and family. The patient is sent to the […]

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