Respiratory Distress and Oxygen Titration (Body Interact Case 783, Mohamad Saad)

62-year-old male who is admitted to emergency experiencing SOB and increasing crackles on auscultation, and is also a smoker. He wears glasses and has a hearing aid but refuses to use it. He speaks Arabic and limited English but his son is willing to translate and also says that his dad does not want hospital […]

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Sepsis in an Older Adult (Body Interact Case 794)

You are a member of an interprofessional team working in an Emergency Department. You have been assigned to meet,a 70-year-old adult with dementia, who has been transferred from a Long-Term Care Residence in response to changes in their physical and mental status.

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Septicémie chez une personne âgée (Cas 794 de Body Interact)

Vous êtes membre d’une équipe interprofessionnelle travaillant dans un service d’urgence. Vous avez été chargé de rencontrer un adulte de 70 ans atteint de démence, qui a été transféré d’un établissement de soins de longue durée en raison de changements dans son état physique et mental.

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Embolie pulmonaire (Cas 782 de Body Interact, Isabel Roberston)

Une patiente de 78 ans à l’étage de la chirurgie en est à son deuxième jour post-opératoire. La patiente refuse de se déplacer après l’opération et développe une thrombose veineuse profonde dans son mollet droit. Aujourd’hui, elle est venue aux urgences et la patiente a signalé qu’elle était essoufflée et que sa respiration était très […]

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Pulmonary embolism (Body Interact Case 782, Isabel Roberston)

78-year-old female patient is on day 2 post-op on the surgery floor. The patient refuses to ambulate postoperatively and develops a deep vein thrombosis in her right calf. Today she came to the ER and patient reports being short of breath and that her breathing is very ‘fast’

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Complex medical calls involving multiple symptoms (Body Interact Case 793, Fatima Badiwe)

The patient was arriving at home when they suddenly started with respiratory distress.

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Postpartum Assessment (Body Interact Case 780, Asma Badiwe)

The patient gave birth to her first baby, a boy, 3250g. Her son transitioned to life with no difficulties and finished first breastfeeding just before transfer. Her birth history and initial assessment were completed by the labor and delivery nurse and saved in the EMR

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Bacterial Pathogens By Body Site (Body Interact cases 777 and 786-792)

This virtual simulation is a collection of 8 games that require the learner to take on the role of an MLT to treat 8 different patients. The learner will need to determine common clinically significant bacterial pathogens according to body site in each case.

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Neurological assessment (Body Interact Case 781, Abel Tarik)

The patient is 55 years old. They came into the clinic for a checkup stating “I have not been feeling myself lately, and I wanted to get checked”. The patient requires a focused neurological assessment.

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Head to toe assessment (Body Interact Case 778, Abel Tarik)

The patient is 55 years old. They came into the clinic for a checkup stating “I have not been feeling myself lately, and I wanted to get checked”. The patient requires a head-to-toe assessment.

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