Healthcare Field: Critical care
Team Collaboration and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Identify a patient requiring basic life support, perform high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and collaborate with the health care team.
Read more »Acute Stroke on the Ward
A 74 year old female is admitted under the hospitalist at a community hospital with a UTI. She is on day 3 of antibiotic therapy. While in hospital, she develops acute onset of right arm weakness, facial droop and unintelligible speech. Participants should recognize an acute CVA within the window, perform a stroke assessment, treat […]
Read more »Essential COVID-19 Skills Training for Health Care Workers
The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) in partnership with the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CAN-Sim) have collaborated to develop and disseminate five virtual simulation modules in both official languages to build capacity among graduating and new registered nurses entering the health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. VSGs have been […]
Read more »COVID-19 Scenario & Guide for Hospital Preparedness
Scenario: Case designed during the January 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in order to assess and improve team preparedness for safely and effectively caring for a critically ill coronavirus patient from triage through to intubation and disposition in a community hospital. The scenario focusses on system processes more than individual skills. This case was adapted from one […]
Read more »SimCanada Community Scenario Template
This template is a generic and comprehensive guide for the development and documentation of simulation scenarios. It is intended to be applicable to any profession (including interprofessional scenarios), any healthcare field, and for most simulation modalities. Members of the Simulation Canada community produced it following a review of the literature on best practices in scenario […]
Read more »PEARLS for Systems Integration Debriefing Tool
The PEARLS for Systems Integration Debreifng Tool is now available as a free colour download.
Read more »ARDS / Pneumothorax
Pt has 1 week history of cough/fever, seen in ED yesterday and intubated this morning for worsening SOB and hypoxia. Remains difficult to oxygenate. Hypotensive and on pressure support. Pt taken to CT scan then directly to ICU. More difficult to bag en-route to ICU. Pt O2 sat decreasing to 82%- 75%. Pt develops decreased […]
Read more »Difficult Intubation – ICU
This scenario uses a physician confederate, who becomes fixated on intubation while the patient deteriorates, and offers the nursing and RT staff an opportunity to recognize and manage a critical deterioration as well as a fixation error.
Read more »Situation awareness assessment in patient deterioration simulations
This is an instrument to measure situation awareness in nurses participating in a patient deterioration simulation scenario. It measures nurses’ perception of quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., vital signs, level of consciousness) and less quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., breath sounds, agitation, new pain). It also measures nurses’ comprehension of the meaning of these signs […]
Read more »Cardiac Arrest due to Blocked Airway
Elderly man in ICU 12 hours post cardiac arrest. ETT blocks leading to cardiac deterioration.
Read more »Interprofessional Attitudes Scale (IPAS)
Since the publication of the 2011 report Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, few tools have been developed to evaluate attitudes that reflect the competencies. The Interprofessional Assessment Scale (IPAS) was developed and validated with this purpose in mind.
Read more »Ottawa Crisis Resource Management Global Rating Scale (“Ottawa GRS”)
Ottawa GRS designed to evaluate physician performance in simulated emergencies in the domain of Crisis Resource Management (CRM) skills.
Read more »Multiple scenarios from THESIMTECH
TheSimTech blog offers a number of free simulation scenarios, mostly targeted towards acute care medicine. Some are interprofessional. Topics include: Dyspnea, hypertension, trauma, burn, fire, MVA, shock, adrenal crisis, tachycardia, pelvic fracture, ectopic pregnancy, toxic shock syndrome, sepsis, angioedema, difficult airway, anaphylaxis, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), electrical storm, febrile neutropenia, […]
Read more »Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) requiring oxygen therapy and suctioning
Mrs. Parmar is a 88 y.o female who presented to hospital 4/7 ago with a persistent cough and general malaise x 1/52. She was admitted to the General Internal Medicine ward with the dx of CAP. Her O2 sats have begun to decline, so the physiotherapy and nursing students must recognize the issue, perform a […]
Read more »Global Rating Scale
This is an evaluation form that can be used to measure students’ simulation performance in many disciplines within healthcare. The Global Rating Scale has been designed to be best utilized with hands-on scenarios in the simulation teaching environment.
Read more »Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form
The Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form is useful for simulation centre co-coordinators to find out about the learning objectives of the simulation session that an instructor would like to create, and to acquire basic logistics information such as type of participants, number of participants, length of simulation, etc. It can be e-mailed to the […]
Read more »Ebola Simulation for PICU and ED Staff
A 6 year old male patient with fever, nausea and vomiting had recently traveled to an affected country and interacted with a family member that possibly had Ebola. The Health Care Professional needs to manage the routine care of this child in level 3 personal protective equipment.
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