Atrial Fibrillation During Surgery

A 55 yo woman with increased risk for perioperative cardiac event comes to the hospital for day surgery. She is stable during unduction of anesthesia. Shortly into the operation her vital signs become unstable. The team must recognize and respond to unstable atrial fibrillation.

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A generally healthy 35-year-old woman comes to the hospital for day surgery. She received a dose of cefalexin pre-operatively. Soon after, she begins to complain of itchiness and a rash. This proceeds to a full anaphylactic reaction that the team must manage.

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Pulseless Electrical Activity

A middle-aged woman is coming to hospital for day surgery. She has controlled hypertension and NIDDM. After induction of anesthesia she develops pulseless electrical activity. The OR team must resuscitate her.

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Ottawa Crisis Resource Management Global Rating Scale (“Ottawa GRS”)

Ottawa GRS designed to evaluate physician performance in simulated emergencies in the domain of Crisis Resource Management (CRM) skills.

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Pediatric intraoperative bronchospasm

3 year-old under general anesthesia for repair of forearm fracture. Has risk factors for reactive airways. Develops progressively worsening bronchospasm which is reversible if recognized and managed, otherwise becomes severe.

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Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Simulation Case Library

The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Simulation Collection is compiled by the SAEM Simulation Interest Group, working with the SAEM Simulation Task Force. Dozens of scenarios are freely available. Scenarios are intended for acute care physicians. A wide variety of topics are covered: overdose, coma, mental health, GI bleed, asthma, COPD, burns, acute coronary […]

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Multiple scenarios from THESIMTECH

TheSimTech blog offers a number of free simulation scenarios, mostly targeted towards acute care medicine. Some are interprofessional. Topics include: Dyspnea, hypertension, trauma, burn, fire, MVA, shock, adrenal crisis, tachycardia, pelvic fracture, ectopic pregnancy, toxic shock syndrome, sepsis, angioedema, difficult airway, anaphylaxis, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), electrical storm, febrile neutropenia, […]

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Pediatric supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)

An almost 10 year old complains of chest discomfort and is brought into the emergency room by his older sister. The patient refuses treatment because of previous bad experience with intravenous starts and adenosine. The patient remains conscious with a rapid heart rate for the first part of the scenario. As the scenario progresses, the […]

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Disclosure of Adverse Events – An OSCE Series for Ob/Gyn Residents

This item outlines an approach to incorporate an disclosure meeting after an adverse event/patient safety incident occurs in an obstetrical context using an OSCE format. Assessment of communication skills and professionalism is discussed.

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An Introduction to the Management of Labour and Delivery – A Simulation-Based Obstetrics Workshop for Medical Students

This resource was created to deliver a 2.5 hour small group interactive workshop geared for medical students on their obstetrical rotation. It enables students to understand the care activities in the obstetrics unit and how students may most effectively learn and provide care to patients in this clinical setting.

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Multidisciplinary Office Cardiac Arrest Emergency Scenario

This is a multidisciplinary office scenario that should be appropriate for any health care professionals that would work in such a setting. A patient presents to the office with left upper back pain that he attributes to gardening. During the assessment the patient reports shortness of breath, chest pain, along with a history of cardiovascular […]

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Code Pink scenario – Acute fetal-maternal hemorrhage

This scenario is designed to allow health care professionals to come together and work as a team around a critically ill newborn using advanced-technology simulation either in the simulation centre or in-situ. Once the pre-brief (including orientation if need be) and briefing is complete the scenario starts. The health care team arrives either ‘en-masse’ or […]

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Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form

The Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form is useful for simulation centre co-coordinators to find out about the learning objectives of the simulation session that an instructor would like to create, and to acquire basic logistics information such as type of participants, number of participants, length of simulation, etc. It can be e-mailed to the […]

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Atrial Fibrillation

Paramedic dispatched to a nursing home, patient is unusually lethargic and weak. The patient is to go to emergency department to be evaluated.

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