Acute Stroke on the Ward

A 74 year old female is admitted under the hospitalist at a community hospital with a UTI. She is on day 3 of antibiotic therapy. While in hospital, she develops acute onset of right arm weakness, facial droop and unintelligible speech. Participants should recognize an acute CVA within the window, perform a stroke assessment, treat […]

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SimCanada Community Scenario Template

This template is a generic and comprehensive guide for the development and documentation of simulation scenarios. It is intended to be applicable to any profession (including interprofessional scenarios), any healthcare field, and for most simulation modalities. Members of the Simulation Canada community produced it following a review of the literature on best practices in scenario […]

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Situation awareness assessment in patient deterioration simulations

This is an instrument to measure situation awareness in nurses participating in a patient deterioration simulation scenario. It measures nurses’ perception of quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., vital signs, level of consciousness) and less quantifiable signs of deterioration (e.g., breath sounds, agitation, new pain). It also measures nurses’ comprehension of the meaning of these signs […]

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End-of-life: Home to Hospital

Patient with stage four mesothelioma lung cancer that is being cared for in the home environment. Designed to challenge the year 4 student with doing an assessment and critically thinking next steps when caring for a patient who becomes hemodynamically unstable. Communication is paramount, with physician, EMS, and family. The patient is sent to the […]

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Community Home Visit with Postpartum Patient

Badia was rated as high-risk from the Healthy Babies community health nurse for multiple reasons, including her young age, lack of family support, pre-mature birth with low birth weight, single mother, and chain cigarette smoker. Badia has agreed to have a nurse visit her in her apartment for an initial assessment.

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Malignant Hyperthermia

A 39-year-old woman comes to hospital for day surgery. Induction of anesthesia goes smoothly. There is then a handover of RNs and anesthesia to a new team. The patient becomes tachycardic wth a rise in CO2 and body temperature which the team must recognize and manage.

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Global Rating Scale

This is an evaluation form that can be used to measure students’ simulation performance in many disciplines within healthcare. The Global Rating Scale has been designed to be best utilized with hands-on scenarios in the simulation teaching environment.

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Initial assessment following hospitalization (introductory scenario)

George Smith, an 80 year old male, has just returned to the nursing home by ambulance after being hospitalized with pneumonia secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As his student nurse you are to do his admission assessment. As part of that admission you are expected to take his vital signs, communicate appropriately, initiate a […]

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Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form

The Simulation Session Booking and Planning Form is useful for simulation centre co-coordinators to find out about the learning objectives of the simulation session that an instructor would like to create, and to acquire basic logistics information such as type of participants, number of participants, length of simulation, etc. It can be e-mailed to the […]

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Atrial Fibrillation

Paramedic dispatched to a nursing home, patient is unusually lethargic and weak. The patient is to go to emergency department to be evaluated.

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