SIM Scenario Exchange

Paramedic Response to Psychosis

Contributed on July 11, 2023, last updated September 29, 2023.


Brockbank, B., Osinga, M., Mormul, S., & Sherrer, M

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Brief vignettes and decision-making points allow the learner to consider supportive communication and care for a patient experiencing psychosis.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify non-verbal and verbal responses which perpetuate stigma related to mental health.
  2. Assess the patient, the situation, and the environment to identify potential risks to the patient or themselves.
  3. Apply therapeutic communication techniques to support a patient experiencing a mental health emergency.
  4. Identify components of capacity for patient refusal.
  5. Consider community resources which support mental health and wellness in their community.

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


This simulation’s scenario and script were formally peer-reviewed by two external institutions, then the final simulation was pilot tested by several students on a student testing committee then as part of the Virtu-WIL Student Program’s rollout.


260, Affinity Learning


Brockbank B, Osinga M, Mormul S, Sherrer M. Paramedic Response to Psychosis. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2023. Available from

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Target Learners






Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Emergency / trauma
Mental health

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