SIM Scenario Exchange

Initiation and Maintenance of Mechanical Ventilation

Contributed on January 24, 2025, last reviewed and/or updated on January 24, 2025.



  • Rewand Latvanen RRT, MEd

  • Lily Sun, RRT, BSc

  • Greg Donde RRT, MSc, FCSRT

Fanshawe College, Respiratory Therapy Program

Virtu-WIL Logo

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An adult patient has just been intubated. You are responsible for obtaining orders, setting up ventilation and alarm settings and preparing any required equipment. After initiating ventilation, you are required to ensure the patient’s settings and alarms are appropriate. You are also required to perform and interpret assessment findings. You continue with ongoing maintenance including changes to blood gases, and chest x-rays, as well as troubleshooting any situations that arise.   This includes suctioning the patient, performing plateau pressure maneuvers, performing expiratory holds and administering inhaled medications. 

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this simulation, you will be able to:

  1. Communicate, interact with and manage an intubated patient

  2. Initiate mechanical ventilation

  3. Maintain and optimization mechanical ventilation.

  4. Analyze and interpret blood gases, waveforms and chest x-rays

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


301, Affinity Learning


Latvanen R, Sun L, Donde G.. Initiation and Maintenance of Mechanical Ventilation. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2025. Available from

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Target Learners




Respiratory Therapy


Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Critical care
Team Collaboration

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