SIM Scenario Exchange

Prenatal Complications: Recognition and Management of Pre-Eclampsia

Contributed on August 16, 2023, last updated September 29, 2023.



Chris Hillary, RN, BSN, MHSE, Selkirk College

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Help to guide a new graduate nurse through the nursing assessment and management of a client experiencing prenatal complications.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize and analyze signs and symptoms of a prenatal health complication collected during an antenatal assessment.
  2. Prioritize actions to manage an urgent antenatal complication.
  3. Construct a succinct interdisciplinary verbal report.
  4. Perform medication calculations and preparation as part of a treatment plan.
  5. Discuss how unconscious bias and lack of cultural safety can negatively impact access to care.

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


This simulation’s scenario and script were formally peer-reviewed by two external institutions, then the final simulation was pilot tested by several students on a student testing committee then as part of the Virtu-WIL Student Program’s rollout.


251, Affinity Learning


Hillary C. Prenatal Complications: Recognition and Management of Pre-Eclampsia. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2023. Available from

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Target Learners






Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Primary care / community care / family practice
Reproductive & gynecology

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