SIM Scenario Exchange

Supporting Trans and Non-binary Patients in Diagnostic Imaging

Contributed on July 11, 2023, last reviewed and/or updated on July 11, 2023.



Meaghan Jefferson BHSc, MRT (DMS), RVT, CRGS, PME (cand.), Mohawk College

Colleges and Institutes Canada

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This scenario will providers learners with a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by trans and non-binary patients when accessing diagnostic imaging. Students will review definitions, terminology, and supportive communication strategies which will promote accessible and equitable care for everyone, regardless of gender expression or gender identity.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the unique challenges faced by transgender and non-binary patients in diagnostic imaging.
  2. Review definitions and terminology around gender, gender identity and expression.
  3. Consider supportive communication techniques that promote accessible and equitable care.
  4. Reflect on communication strategies relevant to your own practice.

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


This simulation’s scenario and script were formally peer-reviewed by two external institutions, then the final simulation was pilot tested by several students on a student testing committee then as part of the Virtu-WIL Student Program’s rollout.




Jefferson M. Supporting Trans and Non-binary Patients in Diagnostic Imaging. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2023. Available from

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Target Learners






Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Radiology & diagnostic imaging

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