SIM Scenario Exchange

Multidisciplinary Office Cardiac Arrest Emergency Scenario

Contributed on March 25, 2015, last updated July 14, 2022.



Dominic Giuliano, BSc, DC, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
David Starmer, BSc, MHS, DC, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

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This is a multidisciplinary office scenario that should be appropriate for any health care professionals that would work in such a setting. A patient presents to the office with left upper back pain that he attributes to gardening. During the assessment the patient reports shortness of breath, chest pain, along with a history of cardiovascular disease, and progress to cardiac arrest. This scenario challenges all learners and participants to coordinate the most appropriate and timely care within the office.

Learning Objectives:

1. Collect patient information through a history and physical examination process.
2. Identify the signs and symptoms of the case that relate to a heart attack.
3. Recall the pathophysiology of a MI
4. Formulate a list of working differentials.
5. Appraise the patient‚Äôs condition.
6. Respond effectively to the patient‚Äôs needs.
7. Implement the emergency plan of action effectively.
8. Manage office staff appropriately.
9. Control office activity and behaviour of office cliental (patients).
10. Produce all documentation of the emergency crisis by all needed parties.
11. Inform the CCPA and get appropriate direction.

Simulation Modality:

Manikin-based, Standardized/simulated patients or real patients


Guamard HAL Manikin, METI Learning Space, 3 treatment room office with reception area


This scenario has been run for the past 5 years at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.  Roughly 185 students per year have done through the simulation.  This scenario was also run with Centenial College’s Paramedic Students, and Chiropractic Students for an IPE event in a real clinic setting unexpected by the students in 2011.  Multiple research papers have been published and are in the process of being published based on the data collected from running these scenarios.


Giuliano D, Starmer D. Multidisciplinary Office Cardiac Arrest Emergency Scenario. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2015. Available from

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Target Learners




Chiropody or Podiatry
Massage Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Personal Support Worker
Physician Assistant
Recreation Therapy
Speech-Language Pathology
Traditional Chinese Medicine


Continuing professional development
Graduate / postgraduate / residency
Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Emergency / trauma
Primary care / community care / family practice
Public/community health & health promotion
Rehabilitation & restorative care

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