SIM Scenario Exchange

Goals of Care Conversation

Contributed on January 30, 2025, last reviewed and/or updated on January 30, 2025.



Kristal Lawson MN, BN, RN, BScKin, ACCN-ER, CCSNE
Sarah Beckman RN, MSN-NE, BScAg
Leana Forsyth RN, MN
Lyndsay McBride RN, BN
Erin Murdoch MN, RN, GNC(C), CCNE
Una Weich MN, BN, RN
Candice Henson MScN, BN, RN, CCCI, BA LAST

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This simulation involves a 58 year old male patient, Aaron McKenzie, residing in a long-term care facility due to advanced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Aaron experiences difficulty breathing; there is a question if he has aspiration pneumonia, and he expresses concerns about his health condition. His current Goals of Care (GOC) designation is R3, allowing for certain life-sustaining treatments but avoiding CPR or ICU-level interventions. The scenario focuses on the critical nursing role in facilitating GOC discussions with Aaron and his husband, Sandy McKenzie, amidst emotional and medical challenges.

Learning Objectives:

After participating in this scenario, learners will be able to:
1. Build confidence and skills in leading goals-of-care (GOC) discussions with clients and their families.
2. Apply therapeutic communication techniques, including active listening, empathy, cultural sensitivity, and psychosocial support, to meet the diverse needs and goals of clients and their families.
3. Use evidence-based communication methods to develop trusting, compassionate, and professional relationships with clients and their families.
4. Incorporate relational practice principles into communication strategies to adapt and improve interpersonal skills in various client and family interactions.

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


Computer with access to a web browser.


The simulation relates to the CRNA (College of Registered Nurses of Alberta) Entry-Level Competencies for the Practice of Registered Nurses (March 2019).
The specific competencies include: Clinician, Professional, Communicator, Advocate, Educator.


The simulation was developed by 7 undergraduate nursing faculty at the Medicine Hat College. Each faculty member contributed to the creation of the script, scenario development, and content accuracy. The simulation was peer reviewed by other faculty members external to the project work, with knowledge of goals of care conversations. The simulation has been used/pilot tested by students in the nursing program with plans to continue its use in the curriculum and evaluation of the simulation.


Lawson K, Beckman S, Forsyth L, McBride L, Murdoch E, Weich U, Henson C.. Goals of Care Conversation. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2025. Available from

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Target Learners






Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:

Palliative & end-of-life care

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