Course Listing

Workshop: Embedding Virtual Simulations in an Educational Program

Educators have rapidly adopted virtual simulation – including screen-based simulations, virtual gaming simulations, and extended reality – in recent years. There is now a growing body of research on ways to effectively embed virtual experiences into an educational program to optimize learning.

This workshop is the only one of its kind, created specifically for educators who are using virtual simulations in their teaching. Although this workshop was designed from the perspective of healthcare, the strategies and pedagogy taught in the workshop can be applied to any sector.

Join Canadian facilitators who are world-leading experts in virtual simulation pedagogy in this focused, 2-part online workshop, where you will connect with peers and experts for coaching to critically examine ways to plan virtual simulations for your learners!

Note we offer two versions of this workshop: One for Canadian educators that is subsidized through the Virtu-WIL project (registration is free), and one for international participants or others who don’t qualify for the subsidized version (registration is paid).

We currently have no offerings scheduled for this workshop but plan to offer it in spring 2025!

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