Pre-brief Design is Crucial

As psychological fidelity is a crucial aspect for the participant to “buy-into” simulation, it is vital that the information commonly presented in a real-life case is provided prior to the simulation.

As psychological fidelity is a crucial aspect for the participant to “buy-into” simulation, it is vital that the information commonly presented in a real-life case is provided prior to the simulation. This will enhance the perception of psychological fidelity with participants. Providing a concise “clinical vignette” that frames the case (such as a call to an outreach team, presentation to the ER, etc.) will provide this information, and will also standardize the pre-case information delivered to participants.

It is also crucial to outline the expectations for participants for the simulation, and any variations/limitations in the simulator environment from real-life experience. For those participants who have never participated in simulation, a separate introductory “walk-around” session to demonstrate the simulator environment, what can and can’t be done, and who is present, will greatly enhance the simulator experience for participants. It will also help ensure that their performance is not influenced by lack of familiarity, or misalignment of perceived expectations of performance, and/or educational goals of the simulator session (Author: John Kim).

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