Exploring cultural sensitivity for Pakistani physicians and faculty by implementing synchronous distance simulation

Sim City Rounds: U of T Simulation

April 20th, 2023 • 12:00-13:00 EST

If you are passionate about Simulation and Education and want to learn more about the exciting, innovative work happening here at U of T, our presenter for the month of April is:

Jabeen Fayyaz MD FCPS, MCPS, DCH, MHPE

Staff Physician, Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM)
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Simulation Educator – Resuscitation Lead
Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Clinical Fellowship Program
The Hospital for Sick Children


  1. Describe the implementation of a culturally sensitive PEM curriculum utilizing tern’s six-step framework
  2. Understand the process of measuring cultural competence through the Clinical Cultural Competency Questionnaire (CCCQ) and exploring cultural sensitivity among culturally diverse learners and facilitators, using mixed method approach
  3. Discuss the utilization of Lawshe’s Content Validity Index for “The Clinical Cultural Competency Questionnaire (CCCQ)” for Physician Simulation Educators from North America, Pakistan and International Group


Direct Zoom Link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/82037609558

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