A second hand high-fidelity simulator through SIM Marketplace addresses needs of institution’s growing simulation program

Michener CASE simulationist finds pediatric manikin on SIM Marketplaceª
There is no question that simulation is rapidly growing in health professions education. The value of the global healthcare simulation market, for example, is expected to more than double between 2014 and 2019—from $863.5 million to nearly $2.1 billion, according to http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/PressReleases/healthcare-medical-simula… target=”_blank”>market research. But this growth—especially when coupled with tighter budgets—has created additional stress for simulation program decision-makers, who are under increasing pressure to purchase simulation equipment that is both functional and affordable.
Jordan Holmes is one of those simulation decision-makers. A manager at The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences’ Centre for the Advancement of Simulation and Education (CASE), Holmes needed a high-fidelity pediatric manikin to support his institution’s growing anesthesia assistant and respiratory therapy (RT) programs. He wanted to purchase a product that not only addressed students’ learning needs, but was also affordable.
Seeking assistance, Holmes approached SIM-one—Ontario Simulation Network about his search and the potential for purchasing a discounted pediatric manikin via the SIM-one Provincial Equipment Coordination Service (http://www.sim-one.ca/specs/about” target=”_blank”>SPECS). SIM-one, in turn, informed Holmes of its new SIM Marketplace.
The SIM Marketplaceª offers cost-effective choices when equipment is needed
The SIM-one SIM Marketplace is a platform that facilitates the buying, selling, sharing and renting of used simulation equipment. The SIM Marketplace is a component of the Government of Ontario-supported SPECS project. Its purpose—along with the overall SPECS project—is to help simulation decision-makers make more informed and cost-effective decisions when acquiring simulation equipment. Freely available to the SIM-one community, the SIM Marketplace can be accessed online at http://www.SIM-one.ca/SIMMarketplace” style=”font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.6em;” target=”_blank”>www.SIM-one.ca/SIMMarketplace.
A marketplace for used simulation equipment?
Prior to his meeting with SIM-one, Holmes did not know much about the SIM Marketplace nor had he entertained the idea of acquiring used equipment.
“We (Michener CASE) hadn’t initially considered obtaining a used manikin,” said Holmes. “SIM-one then informed us about the SIM Marketplace. They told us there were a number of institutions that were willing to exchange their pediatric manikins.”
Holmes liked the idea of the SIM Marketplace. Following the meeting, SIM-one’s Michael Eliadis, who manages the SIM Marketplace, connected Holmes with a few potential opportunities including Brock University’s Nursing Learning Centre and Coordinator Elizabeth Horsley. Horsley had a six-year-old Laerdal SimBaby she was willing to share with Michener CASE.
Michener CASE saves thousands of dollars in potential spending
The Michener-Brock connection proved to be a great success. Holmes would leave Brock University with a functional SimBaby. Holmes use of the SIM Marketplace would help save his institution thousands of dollars in potential spending.
“We absolutely saved a lot of money,” said Holmes. “Picking up a used SimBaby through the SIM Marketplace has ensured that a robust, well-equipped program will move forward. This has likely bought us a few years before we need to purchase a new product.”
Holmes added, “I was really impressed by the utility of the SIM-one SIM Marketplace to facilitate this process. And an added bonus, because of this process, I now have a new friend and colleague in Elizabeth Horsley at Brock. Our potential collaboration will truly enrich the quality of our programs.”
SIM Marketplaceª exchange leads to IPE collaboration
As a result of the SIM Marketplace exchange, Holmes and Horsley are now collaboratively working on a new interprofessional education (IPE) program for their respective RT (Michener) and nursing (Brock) programs. Though still in its planning phase, the program is intended to help their students learn with, from and about each other. The proposed collaborative program is scheduled to take place in May 2015.
“Both Jordan and I are looking forward to the experience that such a collaboration can bring to our programs,” said Horsley. “This whole experience working with SIM-one and Michener CASE has been very positive. And I’m very keen on developing further relationships across the Province.”
SIM Marketplaceª is a place of collaboration and equipment sharing opportunities
The SIM Marketplace has also helped organizations collaborate and share equipment. Examples include Conestoga College and the Faculty of Medicine, U of T Mississauga campus; Ryerson University and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
Do you have used simulation equipment that you would like to exchange? Do you need equipment on a shared, short term or permanent basis? SIM Marketplaceª is the place to start.
If you would like to buy, sell, share or rent used simulation equipment on the SIM Marketplace, please visit http://www.SIM-one.ca/SIMMarketplace” target=”_blank”>www.SIM-one.ca/SIMMarketplace. For more information about the SIM Marketplace or help using the site, please contact Michael Eliadis at mailto:[email protected]” style=”line-height: 1.6em;”>[email protected] or 416-271-9632.

About SIM-one
SIM-one—Ontario Simulation Network—is a not-for-profit organization that connects the simulation community, resources and services across the Province of Ontario. SIM-one advocates for and advances simulated learning in health professions education for the benefit of patient care and patient safety. Supported in part by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, SIM-one’s vision is to further position Ontario as the global leader in healthcare information.
For more information on SIM-one, please visit our website at http://www.SIM-one.ca” target=”_blank”>www.SIM-one.ca or contact mailto:[email protected]”>[email protected].

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