SIM Scenario Exchange

Communicating with Clients and Team Members when Clients Refuse Treatment

Contributed on July 4, 2022, last updated July 21, 2022.



Debbie Kahler, Centennial College

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The learners will gain an increased understanding of the support and decision-making required when caring for a client in the context of refusing treatment options/medications.

Learning Objectives:

Respond to situations of treatment refusal while maintaining client centered care and a therapeutic client relationship.

Demonstrate knowledge of client rights and support informed decision making when refusal of treatment options occurs.

Recognize when collaboration with other health care team members is required.

Understand the responsibility of the care provider when a client leaves a hospital against medical advice.

Reflect on own values and beliefs regarding client’s right to refuse and how it might impact ability to deliver non-judgmental care.

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


This simulation’s scenario and script were formally peer-reviewed by two external institutions, then the final simulation was pilot tested by several students on a student testing committee then as part of the Virtu-WIL Student Program’s rollout.


017e, Affinity Learning


Kahler D. Communicating with Clients and Team Members when Clients Refuse Treatment. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2022. Available from

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Undergraduate / post-secondary

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