SIM Scenario Exchange

Collaboration and Teamwork

Contributed on July 4, 2022, last reviewed and/or updated on July 4, 2022.



Leslie Graham, Durham College

Colleges and Institutes Canada

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This virtual simulation focuses on interprofessional teamwork and collaboration focused on the care of a morbidly obese woman who is admitted after a fall resulting in no injuries but unable to ambulate. After several days on the unit, she shares she is confused about the roles of team members and how they work together. She is confused and upset with her care. A patient care conference is held, with the patient attending, out of which comes a plan of care moving forward that is shared with the patient for her input.

Learning Objectives:

Demonstrate knowledge of own role and those of other team members for appropriate consultation and collaboration.

Demonstrate ability to provide input and respond appropriately to feedback within the interprofessional team.

Identify facilitators and barriers to effective collaboration within the interprofessional team.

Adapt to the situational context in order to promote interprofessional teamwork.

Simulation Modality:

Virtual gaming simulation / virtual patient


013, CAN-Sim


Graham L. Collaboration and Teamwork. Simulation resource published by Simulation Canada; 2022. Available from

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Target Learners






Undergraduate / post-secondary

Fields / Disciplines:


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