
Simulation Canada is honoured and excited to support Colleges & Institutes Canada in its Virtu-WIL (Virtual Work-Integrated Learning) project!

This project will expand the number of virtual simulation resources and student experiences in virtual learning experiences, by engaging colleges, universities and Cégeps across Canada to make approximately 120 virtual simulations available to educators nation-wide. For project details and questions, see the project page on the CICan website.


  • Colleges, institutes and universities across Canada currently offer 308 nursing programs, 93 medical laboratory sciences programs, and 55 paramedicine programs.
  • The project will make approximately 120 virtual simulations in both official languages freely available at eligible post-secondary institutions.
  • Virtual simulations are developed on multiple platforms selected through an open procurement process.
  • 4000 students will receive a stipend to successfully complete the Virtu-WIL Program between September 2021 and March 31, 2022.
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