The Centre for Ambulatory Care Education (CACE) is an extra-departmental unit shared between Women’s College Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. It also maintains strong links with the other Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN) hospital sites.
The CACE objectives are:
To evolve an interprofessional curriculum in ambulatory care education that includes longitudinal experiences and the fostering of educational communities of practice.
To link the student experience to patient-centred care and provide opportunities to appreciate diversity-focused, comprehensive care and partner with community resources along the continuum of care.
To develop, evaluate, implement and disseminate quality education models for ambulatory care and quality indicators for ambulatory care teaching.
To provide an environment that fosters innovation in ambulatory care teaching and learning, including technology and informatics.
To promote educational scholarship and research in ambulatory care teaching and learning locally and globally.
Successfully implementing the CACE objectives will lead to improved patient care and the strengthening of interprofessional medical education.
CACE activities include a fellowship program focused on ambulatory care education research, programs of research led by CACE Scientists, an educational mentorship program for educational researchers, workshops on best practices in ambulatory care, CACE rounds and consulting.