Organizational Membership Application

We are excited that you will be joining Simulation Canada as an organizational member! The questions that follow will give us all the information we need to set you up, ensure your staff receive full website access, and allow us to direct communications to the right people.

The information you provide will be seen only by Simulation Canada staff and our Board of Directors, and used to process this application. We will not share this information with anyone.

2Basic Information
3Health Providers
4Key Contacts
5Voting Membership

Before you begin this application, you might want to gather contact information for the following individuals at your organization:

  • Main administrative contact for issues relating to your membership (name, email, phone) – typically a Director or Dean
  • Financial contact for invoicing (name, email, phone)
  • Simulation lab/program coordinator or manager (name, email, phone)
  • Person who will act as your organization’s Voting Representative at our Annual General Meeting (name, email, phone)
  • Five staff/faculty members who will be granted full website access to our website on behalf of your organization (names and emails)

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