Après une interruption de deux ans en raison des restrictions liées à la pandémie, nous étions très heureux du retour de la SIM Expo ! L’énergie et la convivialité étaient palpables au sein de la communauté interprofessionnelle de la simulation en soins de santé du Canada lors du SIM Expo 2022 !
Le SIM Expo 2022 s’est tenu les 17 et 18 octobre à Toronto, en Ontario, à l’hôtel Delta, situé au cœur du centre-ville.
Innovation et inclusion : diversité et simulation pour l’avenir
Bien que les deux dernières années aient apporté des défis sans précédent, elles ont également stimulé le changement et l’innovation. Nous constatons une diversité accrue dans les types et les façons dont la simulation est utilisée, ainsi qu’une plus grande représentation au sein des simulations, avec des objectifs d’inclusivité, d’équité et de décolonisation. Lors de la SIM Expo de cette année, nous célébrons ces innovations, partageons les leçons apprises et discutons de la manière dont tout cet apprentissage construit un nouvel avenir pour la simulation.
Conférenciers principaux
Nous avons eu l’honneur d’annoncer les conférenciers principaux de cette année !
Les résumés et biographies suivants ne sont pas disponibles en français.
Monday, Oct 17
New Frontiers: Important Conversations in Simulation Right Now
What does the future hold for simulation? In March 2020, the COVID 19 pandemic arrived, and simultaneously, virtual simulation was catapulted to the forefront of teaching and learning strategies for educators Since then, many discussions have emerged about the reimagination of healthcare education through simulation. In this presentation we fill focus on the following questions: How do we get the right balance between virtual and in-person simulation? What are the newest and best strategies for embedding virtual simulation effectively in curriculum? Does science support the many modalities of simulation we now have at our fingertips? What faculty development is needed for educators? In this interactive presentation, you will have a chance to share your thoughts on the opportunities and challenges for simulation in education.

Sandra Goldsworthy
Professor, School of Nursing
Teaching Chair Online and virtual Experiences
Nipissing University, North Bay, ON Canada
Dr. Sandra Goldsworthy is a nurse education leader who is recognized as an international simulation and critical care expert, researcher and author. She is the recipient of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation in Learning (INACSL) Excellence in Research Award and the Canadian Nurses’ Association Order of Merit in Education.
Dr. Goldsworthy has over 70 peer reviewed publications and frequently presents her research nationally and internationally. She has held a Research Professorship in Simulation from 2015-2019 at the University of Calgary. She is a member of several national and international committees including her roles as Director of Education for the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses Association and Co-chair of the CASN Simulation Interest Group.
Dr. Goldsworthy is passionate about improving patient safety and provider preparation through simulation. Her research program focuses on the impact of simulation in building competence in recognition and response to the deteriorating patient, reduction of medication errors and improving health team communication competencies through interprofessional simulation education.

Margaret Verkuyl
Professor, Nursing
Centennial College, Toronto, ON Canada
Margaret Verkuyl is a nurse practitioner and nursing professor at Centennial College for over 17 years. Since 2013, she has been a prominent leader in developing and researching virtual simulations and interactive e-textbooks. Her virtual gaming simulations have become pervasive in nursing education globally.
More recently, she developed an open access Virtual Healthcare Experience consisting of 11 virtual gaming simulations that have had over 2 million plays! She provides support and tools for others who are creating virtual simulations and interactive textbooks. In addition, she authored two open educational resources on how to embed virtual simulations effectively in curriculum.
She has received numerous prestigious awards: such as the 2020 INACSL Academic Leadership Excellence Award; 2018 INACSL Research Excellence Award; Hayden Vanguard Lectureship; and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare’s 2021 Article of Influence. She has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and authored books. In addition, her work is disseminated at national and international conferences.
Tuesday, Oct 18
Intent, Impact, Harm and Action. Understanding Bias, Discrimination and Racism in Healthcare and Simulation
Learning Objectives:
- Define concepts of bias and discrimination including racism
- Explore how bias and discrimination affect health care outcomes
- Introduce concepts of cultural humility and critical allyship as tools to combat discrimination
- Introduce ideas for embedding these concepts into simulation

Saroo Sharda
Faculty, Department of Anesthesia
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Canada
Dr. Saroo Sharda is an anesthesiologist, medical educator, writer and trained creative writing coach. She identifies as a woman of colour of North Indian descent, who has the privilege of being cis-gender, straight, able-bodied and economically privileged.
She is an advocate for physician wellness, equity and antiracism, and has written and spoken widely about these topics, including publications in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, British Medical Journal, Anesthesiology, The Globe and Mail and Today’s Parent.
Dr. Sharda is the inaugural Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lead at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, where she has led cross-organizational work to embed an EDI and antiracist lens into complaints processes, policy work and ongoing education of committee and Council. Dr. Sharda is also the Chair of the Physician Wellness Committee at the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society.
She holds a Masters and Fellowship in Medical Education. Her work is rooted in theories of power, hierarchy and identity formation. She teaches simulation in her role as a Faculty member in the Department of Anesthesia at McMaster University, with a specific focus on interprofessional simulation.
Dr. Sharda has presented and taught on EDI in the context of healthcare at a variety of national and international organisations and conferences. She has been described as a “gifted”, “insightful” and “excellent” facilitator, and is able to guide groups through challenging and brave conversations. She was recently awarded the Pauline Alakija trailblazer award for her EDI work.
When not writing or working she works hard to avoid stepping on lego pieces strewn around the house by her 6 year old and 9 year old sons.
Soumission de résumé
En plus des informations publiées dans le programme officiel (voir ci-dessus), les présentateurs ont également la possibilité de publier leurs résumés dans la revue numérique Annals of Simulation.