COVID-19 Simulations

Many simulationists are working on strategies and scenarios to prepare and test systems and educate providers and students. We are collecting a list of resources here. If you know of anything to add, please inform us!

On this page: Webinars · COVID Sim Planning · Sims for System Rehearsal/Assessment · Sims for Learners/Practitioners · PPE Sims · Advice & Commentaries · Epidemic Learning · Distance/Virtual Sims · COVID Clinical Resources · Other Collections


​​Safety Considerations for In-Person Simulations in the Covid-19 Era

As many simulation programs are making plans for September, when students may return to sim labs but physical distancing and other measures to minimize risks of virus spread are critical. This webinar reviews issues, processes, protocols, and other resources to reduce risks.

Preparing for COVID Via Simulation

On April 3rd, we were joined by simulation leaders from 4 Canadian hospitals to learn how they are using simulations to make care more efficient and safer for both patients and providers.

External Webinars

Planning Advice For COVID Simulations

BC Simulation Network:

Dharamsi A et al. Enhancing Departmental Preparedness for COVID-19 Using Rapid Cycle in Situ Simulation. J Hosp Infect. 2020 Jun 12. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2020.06.020

Brazil V et al. Translational simulation for rapid transformation of health services, using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic preparation. Advances in Simulation 2020; 5(9). doi:10.1186/s41077-020-00127-z

Chiu M et al. Physical health risks during simulation-based COVID-19 pandemic readiness training. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia. 2020 June 5: 1-3. doi:10.1007/s12630-020-01744-y

Medical Education Editorial: “Strange Days” – on building scholarship into sim activities during COVID (thanks to IPSS for bringing this to our attention)

Sims for System Rehearsal and Assessment

For Multiple Departments/Disciplines
The Ottawa Hospital, University of Ottawa and University of Colorado:” target=”_blank”>Collection of 360º video simulation scenarios to assess and improve team preparedness for COVID in several contexts: emergency department; anesthesia; surgery; cardiac arrest; c-section; trans-esophageal echocardiogram; awake tracheotomy; CT scanning; newborn delivered of a COVID-19+ mother; cleaning an ICU isolation room; endoscopy.

Emergency & Critical Care
Simulation Canada: COVID in Community Hospital – adaptation of EM Sim Cases #1 for community hospital preparedness testing + in-situ sim planning guide
Simulation Canada: Respiratory failure in a patient with coronavirus – Patient presents to community hospital, needs PPE, isolation, intubation, resuscitation

EM SIM CASES: Several peer-reviewed cases:

Montreal Jewish General Hospital (bilingual): Hypoxic COVID patient + code blue – English | Français – also includes videos

St. Emlyn’s (emerg med) Blog: Practical Exercise Without Casualties for possible coronavirus in the emergency department

Gold Coast Health Sim Service: COVID-19 in Emergency Room Needing Intubation – for system testing + PPE use

Gold Coast Health Sim Service: STEMI and VF Resuscitation of Patient with COVID Exposure – resuscitation while protecting selves

Operating Room
Life in the Fast Lane Blog: Airway Management in the Operating Room – from simulationists in Hong Kong; includes airway management reference poster

Package of 4 Obstetrical COVID scenarios from Gold Coast Health Sim Service & The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Antenatal Respiratory Distress; Uncomplicated Vaginal Birth; Respiratory Distress in Labour; Bradycardia and C-Section)

Center for Medical Simulation: Simulation Exercises for L&D, Labor, Cesarean Delivery in Cases with COVID-19

Children’s Health Queensland: Nebulized Medication During COVID – includes clinical resources and reference poster
Children’s Health Queensland: HFNP Oxygen for children during the COVID-19 pandemic

National Level
WHO: Tabletop Simulation for national-level health authorities to strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities

Sims for Education of Students and Practitioners

Planning Advice:
Article from Vancouver simulationists on adding fluorescent powder to enhance simulations

COVID Virtual Patients:
CAN-Sim, CASN & Simulation Canada: FREE virtual simulation games on essential Covid nursing topics:

  • Geriatric fluid volume deficiency
  • Deteriorating patient
  • Care of a ventilated patient
  • Multiple organ dysfunction
  • Running a code

FullCode: Fever and Cough After Travel (Case #83) – virtual sim case of high-risk for COVID

BodyInteract: Patient Suspicious for COVID-19 – 5 free virtual patient cases

Affinity Learning: Appendicitis in COVID-19 – protection, assessment and triaging of COVID-possible patient

Affinity Learning: Severe maternal illness in a pregnant patient with suspected COVID-19

MedicActiV: Create your own COVID virtual patient – free to author and distribute scenarios

PCS Spark: Suspected COVID Assessment by Telehealth

COVID Sim Scenarios:
EM SIM CASES: Protected Intubation in the Sim Lab

CAE Healthcare: COVID Scenario for Teams – includes diagnosis, isolation, personal protection, management and TeamSTEPPS strategies

Laerdal: COVID Resource Centre – includes free scenarios, tools and manikin hygiene information

Gold Coast Health Sim Service: COVID on Medical Ward – team communication, PPE, negative pressure room

NETEC (National Ebola Training and Education Center): Group Exercise Templates – written around Ebola preparedness but applicable to COVID

Critical Care & Ventilation:
University of Toronto: Quick ICU Training for COVID-19 – learning resources and reference materials for clinicians who are upskilling, renewing, or reviewing their knowledge and skill for redeployment

CAE Healthcare: Ventilator Use for COVID – Online course & virtual simulation

Xlung: Virtual ventilator – free during COVID

Mount Sinai Hospital: Instructional Video on intubating a patient with COVID

Montreal Jewish General Hospital (bilingual): Videos on code blue; hypoxemic patient; COVID workshop; grand rounds – English | Français

Université Paris-Est Créteil : Deux vidéos de formation sur la ventilation de patient porteur du COVID qui peuvent servir lors de vos séances

Université de Caen Normandie : Vidéo tuto sur l’extubation d’un patient Covid19 positif

Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong: Video of Simulation for COVID Intubation

Personal Protection & Self-Care

E-Campus Ontario: Hand Hygiene interactive video (proper hand-washing) and PPE Donning and Removal interactive video

CAN-Sim: Virtual Simulation Game on PPE selection, donning and doffing + learning management course for facilitators

Intensive Care Society: Staff Well-Being and Self-Care During COVID posters

NorSimS (France): Formez-vous aux bons gestes en vidéo – Habillage, déshabillage, intubation, plus

Advice & Commentaries

BMJ-STEL: Editorial on Sim & Tech to Prepare/Respond to COVID in China

SimGHOSTS: Advice and resources for Sim Operations during the pandemic

Epidemic Learning

WHO Online Course: Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control

Washington Post: Disease spread simulations in real time – shows impacts of quarantines and social distancing

Distance & Virtual Simulations

We are maintaining a separate page to compile services and resources related to virtual simulations and running simulations at a distance.

Clinical COVID Resources

With treatment guidelines evolving so rapidly, we will not attempt to stay on top of recommended practices. Other organizations offering vetted resources:

Other Collections

Some other websites offering simulation resource collections:

Our resources during the pandemic:

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