Web Advertising

To further our mission of advocating for and advancing simulated learning in health professions education for the benefit of patient care and safety, Simulation Canada offers advertising opportunities on its website for industry, affiliates, and the simulation community.

Advertising Policy

1. Advertising that is allowed on simulationcanada.ca includes:

  • Healthcare simulation products, devices, equipment, and software
  • Non-healthcare simulation products, devices, equipment, and software, provided they have a direct benefit for patient safety and care

2. Advertising that is prohibited on simulationcanada.ca includes:

  • Alcohol, tobacco products, firearms, weapons, and fireworks
  • Legal (including malpractice)
  • Pornography, gambling, and lottery
  • Political, social cause, and religions advertising
  • Surveys, polls, market research, promotions, and mailing lists
  • Comparative advertising (no mention of competitive brand names within an ad)
  • Pop-ups, floating ads, and floating surveys
  • Ads that have forms within them to collect personally identifiable information while a visitor is on simulationcanada.ca

3. Advertising criteria that must be met for each advertisement:

  • No implication of endorsement by Simulation Canada of product or advertiser may be made
  • Advertisement must not make a health claim for its product that is not clearly substantiated. Advertisers may be required to submit supporting documentation to substantiate claims
  • simulationcanada.ca retains final approval of all product messages and advertising copy. This includes verification of advertisement content and placement before it is produced on the site
  • The advertisement, advertising icons, and company logos must be displayed in such a way that they clearly are not part of Simulation Canada site content
  • Simulation Canada reserves the right to reject, cancel, or remove at any time any advertisement from simulationcanada.ca for any reason. In such a case, Simulation Canada will notify the advertiser in advance. Simulation Canada also reserves the right to determine the appropriate placement of the advertisement on the website
  • No unsolicited commercial messages are allowed
  • Advertisers must not collect any personally identifiable information from simulationcanada.ca visitors or place any cookies, applets, or other such files
  • simulationcanada.ca maintains total editorial independence from advertisers. Advertisers have no influence over or input in our editorial content. They also cannot buy priority listings on our search engine

These criteria are intended to provide general guidance. They are not inclusive or exhaustive and are subject to change at the discretion of simulationcanada.ca at any time.

Additional Information

Simulation Canada has the right to refuse any advertisement that we believe is incompatible with our mission. The presence of an advertisement on our website does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, service, or product. Advertisers must not make unsubstantiated claims or suggestions that Simulation Canada has endorsed their product or service.

Advertising revenue is used to support Simulation Canada’s education programs, annual SIM Expo, and online services.

For inquiries about advertising, please contact:
Communications and Marketing
Simulation Canada

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