Jan 20-24 • San Diego, California
Now in its 24th year, IMSH is coming off its biggest year ever in terms of attendance and exhibition hall size. Orlando was a blast! Now, we’re ready to do it again in 2024 in San Diego, hopeful for yet another superior in-person event, of course, along with a virtual IMSH Delivers! experience that continues to evolve its offerings. IMSH will again offer hundreds of industry-leading presentations and provide a thought-provoking, IDEA-exchanging, action-stepping environment that cements the conference’s place as the world’s premier healthcare simulation education learning event.
It’s so exciting to think about thousands of us all coming together, again, this time to sharpen our skills and be better when we INNOVATE, DISSEMINATE, EDUCATE, and ADVOCATE! We look forward to helping you launch your healthcare simulation career forward.