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Corps for Research of Instructional and Perceptual Technologies (CRIPT)

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London, Ontario


The CRIPT lab is uniquely situated at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry and in the Anatomy and Cell Biology graduate program. The CRIPT has three main research streams:

We are a leader in visualizing and utilizing volumetric scan data to construct and measure digital anatomical learning objects. From these learning objects, precise anatomical measurements are often related to cadaveric materials for validating and exploring new clinical approaches and prostheses.
We study impacts on learner experiences and skill acquisition with digital simulated environments for basic knowledge acquisition akin to undergraduate students and specific knowledge related to clinical environments like anesthesia and surgery.
Finally, we study how individual learner perception, personal abilities and cognitive load impact learner behaviours in simulated environments. We pay particular attention to the learner’s physiology regarding eye-tracking, EEG, and cerebral blood flow.

Tim Wilson PhD, Associate Professor

[email protected]

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