All members (both individual members and organizational members) of Canada’s evolving simulation community have the opportunity to meaningfully engage with the network and help shape the future of healthcare simulation in Canada. Voting Members, which are Organizational Members who meet our Membership Rules, play important additional roles in the integrated network’s legal governance.
Each Organizational Member, after it is confirmed they meet all criteria to become a Voting Member, appoints one person to be their Voting Representative.
Here is how Voting Members are helping to build our healthcare simulation network (Simulation Canada):
1) By exercising their vote at the Annual General Meeting, organizational members (through their voting representative) will help direct the network’s strategic priorities and evolution by voting on Special Resolutions at the AGM (e.g. changes to bylaws, governance practices, etc.). As an Organizational Voting Member you have a say in setting the future strategic directions of Canada’s healthcare simulation network.
2) By exercising their vote at the Annual General Meeting, organizational members (through their voting representative) will elect the Directors that serve on Simulation Canada’s Board. As an Organizational Voting Member you vote on the slate of new Board Directors.
3) Organizational Voting Members have the opportunity to participate in any of the sub-committees of the Board. As of today, these sub-committees of the Board include:
a) Finance and Audit Committee
b) Membership Committee
c) Nominating Committee
4) Organizational Voting Members have the opportunity to participate in any of the network’s operational committees, such as those that plan major events, develop new courses or services, etc.
As we grow and evolve, the network needs engaged and active Organizational Members. Help build a strong and self-sustaining network. Help create a future of exceptional patient care through simulation.
WHO ARE THE CURRENT VOTING MEMBERS? An up-to-date list of our Organizational Members is available here. Currently, all our organizaitonal members are voting members.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBER AND A VOTING MEMBER OF THE NETWORK? Organizational Members are universities, colleges, healthcare delivery agencies and other non-profits that join through our Organizational Membership program. Voting Members are Organizational Members who also play a role in the network’s governance.
ARE ALL ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS ALSO VOTING MEMBERS? Organizational Members who meet the membership rules can become a Voting Member.
HOW DOES MY ORGANIZATION BECOME A VOTING MEMBER? Begin by signing up as an Organizational Member. During the signup process, you can indicate that you wish to be considered for a Voting Membership as well.
DO WE HAVE TO MEET THE MEMBERSHIP RULES TO BENEFIT AS AN ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBER OF THE NETWORK? No. The membership rules apply only to organizations who wish to also become a Voting Member. Even if you don’t meet these criteria, you may still apply to become an Organizational Member.
CAN I, AS AN INDIVIDUAL, BECOME A VOTING MEMBER? Based on the network’s current by-laws, it is organizations, via their Voting Representative, who exercise their vote at our AGM. However, there are many ways for individuals to get involved, from participating in committees and working groups, to helping plan national and regional events, to developing and facilitating courses, and more. Individuals join via the SIMadvocate membership program. (Note that Organizational Members get to appoint 5 SIMadvocates as part of their membership benefits!)